Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 9th, 2008 Update on Lilly

Please continue to pray for Lilly! It is a possibility that she may be coming down with another infection. It looked like she was getting an infection around her chest tube today so they took cultures to have it tested, and tonight she came down with a low-grade fever. The fever has subsided for now, but please pray that this is not a serious infection and that she won't have to make another journey to the PICU! Other than that she is doing okay- she's thrown up a bit and been pretty fussy as a result of her treatment on Friday, but her mommy has been able to nurse her, so that is a praise. A couple days ago she even got a few of the really sweet smiles you've been praying for! Hopefully she will be seeing more of them soon.

Friday she will have another bone marrow biopsy which will help determine whether the transplant will be necessary or not. Her brothers are getting tested on Saturday to see if they are compatible donors, so be in prayer for that- that one of them will be a match for her, and that the experience won't be too scary for them (it's just a blood draw, but with all that is going on they may be a bit traumatized).

Continue to pray for her two brothers as well. They are REALLY missing their mom and crying out for her. Dad is back to work this week, so he's been able to be home with them in the evenings, but they've only seen Mom a handful of times in the last month. Continue to pray for Dad at work, and Mom alone in the hospital. I will try to keep you updated in the next day or two of any new developments.
Thanks again for all of your prayers. This family really can use them right now!
Have a blessed day and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

littlethings1 said...

Will pray , That God will hold her & her family in His hands , God's desire is for us to be whole & He is able to do this ! She reminds me of my own grandaughter that is four months old .